Vets worldwide have said fresh food diets can be the best or worst of diets for pets, depending on nutritional adequacy. We believe well-formulated, home-prepared diets nourish animals in the very best way because the food is fresh, not ultra-processed, and it is thoughtfully prepared with quality ingredients. Our goal is to create a resource to connect pet parents to professional fresh-feeding nutrition consultants whose services include recipes and meal plans (cooked and/or raw) that meet or surpass established nutritional standards. We hope more pet parents will find the confidence to feed more nourishing, home-prepared meals in their pets' diets. We hope more vets will get behind feeding fresh when they see it done in a nutritionally complete way. It is our dream that this website helps make those hopes come true.
If you are a qualified professional and would like to apply to be listed in the directory,
please download and complete the following form and return it via email.
Consultant Form (fillable) (pdf)
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